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Big Elk was much respected by the early Bellevue settlers and his people, the Omaha indians. Logan Fontenelle, his grandson and the man for whom Fontenelle Forest is named, negotiated the sale of the tribal lands to the US government. 

Big Elk was originally buried farther down in Bellevue but evidently in the late 1950's, when the land was sold to the soon-to-be-built Bellevue College, his remains were moved to Bellevue Cemetery. Big Elk died in 1846 of cholera, a scourge that took many lives in those days. His grave sits on the highest point in the cemetery and overlooks the Missouri River.

Big Elk


Big Elk Sign


Big Elk Marker


Big Elk Closeup


Big Elk Bench


Big Elk


Big Elk


Big Elk Picture